You have SSL! We may need to make a few alterations to your website to get it working properly, depending on how your theme is coded and your pages set up this could take 5 minutes and it could take an hour. To help you avoid the Google punch I'm not charging for the first 10 minutes of getting it implemented.
You need to email me! I will not ...
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We are aware that you are experiencing a problem logging in to your Wordpress site. Tech support is also aware of the issue and is currently working on it.
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Server Migration is now complete. I sincerely apologize for the lack of information leading up to the event. After my inital notice was sent out, I was under the impression that I would receive a 24 hour warning that I could then relay to you. Unfortunately, that did not happen. I received no notice that the migration had even started.I am happy ...
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Zen Cart has released a new, updated version. It is highly recommended that you upgrade to the latest version to keep your store secure. This update is far more complex than the previous security patches. The charge for me to do this update is $20. Just drop me an email and I'll get your store updated as soon as possible.
If you decide to attempt ...
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